Our walk of life to fundraise for Kite4Life

Ieke Verkuil

( Lid van team: To fit to quit )

van totaal € 1.000 (3%)

When it comes to being active and performing in sports I like a challenge! I have the privilege to be able to do this because I am healthy and fit. There are many people who have to deal with unchosen challenges in life on a daily basis. Something I witness at work as a nurse looking after people who are dealing and fighting for their health. Ever since I learned how to kitesurf it is my favourite hobby, sport and passion. When I found out about Kite4Life foundation I straight away wanted to find an opportunity to support them! Kite4Life is initiated by Baris Soyogul who started kitesurfing to support his recovery from cancer. Kite4Life organises events and facilitate clinics to introduce (ex)cancer patients and their plus ones to kitesurfing helping them rediscover feelings of Freedom, Hope and Pride. De Nijmeegse 4Daagse has been on my bucket list for a while and now I am going to take on the challenge of walking 40km a day for 4 days PLUS fundraise for Kite4Life to give people who are dealing with cancer everyday the opportunity to experience the joy of learning this new sport! Kitesurfing!

€ 250 opgehaald

€ 500 opgehaald

€ 1.000 opgehaald

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€ 25 19-07-2024 | 09:52
€ 10 11-07-2024 | 17:01