To fit to quit

Our walk of life to fundraise for Kite4Life
van totaal € 1.400 (31%)
Living approximately 14.000 km apart for the last 10 years means my niece Carmen and I haven't had enough time to chat and make memories so we are very excited to have the opportunity to walk the biggest walking event in the world: De Nijmeegse 4 daagse. It will give us plenty of time to chat as we are taking on this challenge to walk 40
km a day for 4 days in a row! We do have a few things in common which makes us a great team to take up this challenging walk! We are both active, love the outdoors and have a passion for performing in sport! Carmen loves modern dancing and sprint swimming and I have a great passion for kitesurfing. To give this challenging walk an even better purpose we have decided to raise funds for the Kite4Life foundation! This charity gives people who have to deal with the challenge of cancer in their daily life the opportunity to experience the joy of learning a new sport! Kitesurfing! Check out the youtube video below and translation to have an understanding what Kite4Life is all about. I am very excited to raise funds for Kite4Life as I know from my own experience how enjoyable the kitesurf journey is and what joy it can bring in your everyday life. Having the opportunity to take your mind of your fight against cancer and focus on learning a new sport is something I would wish everyone to be able to experience. Of course this comes with costs and that’s where Kite4Life jumps in! They provide a lesson package of 3x3 hrs for (ex) patients and a loved one. How fantastic is that! Price tag for this is €350.- so my aim of the game is to walk for a lesson pack a day! Let’s go!
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€ 10 20-07-2024 | 18:21
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€ 10 15-07-2024 | 20:30 Succes!!