I walk the 4Days Marches for KWF

Nina Rovers

( Lid van team: The 4Days Marches for KWF )

van totaal € 1.000 (12%)

We have set a goal ourselves to finish the 4Days Marches this year. Next to this personal challenge, we would like to make a bigger social impact. Therefore, we strive to raise as much money as possible for a disease that impacts a lot of people's lives. We are doing this in collaboration with KWF: a charity that is dedicated to improving the lives of cancer patients and their loved ones.

€ 250 opgehaald

€ 500 opgehaald

€ 1.000 opgehaald

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10 donaties ontvangen

25 donaties ontvangen

50 donaties ontvangen

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€ 10 03-06-2024 | 09:54
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