Walk 50 km to raise money for cancer research

Daniel Zeevaarder
Afgesloten Je kunt niet meer doneren
van totaal € 1.000 (140%)

I am walking the 50 kilometers during the 4 day walk of the world in Nijmegen. I am raising money for research on the terrible disease cancer. One out of the three people in the Netherlands gets the diagnose cancer. Two of those people were my mother and dad. I've lost my mother last year and by walking the 50 kilometer i want to collect money for better research and better treatments. Sponsor me and help KWF with the finance of important research on cancer. Thank you!

€ 250 opgehaald

€ 500 opgehaald

€ 1.000 opgehaald

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10 donaties ontvangen

25 donaties ontvangen

50 donaties ontvangen

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€ 50 18-07-2023 | 08:05
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